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» Posts of 24.10.2001
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«    October 2001    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

One Third of the Russian Team in Sumo is Made up of Tuvans

Today in Aomori (to the North of Japan) the World Championship in sumo wrestling has started. One third of the Russian team is made up by Tuvans. One of them Ayas Mongush has to prove on the sumo's motherland his world champio's title won last year in Brasil.
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Dina Oyun

Putin Meets Sholban Kara-ool

Sholban Kara-ool, chairman of the Supreme Khural, and Samoilov Mongush, leader of the "Yedinstvo" faction in the Tuvan Parliament, have been received in Gosduma (Moscow) by Vladimir Pehktin, head of the "Yedinstvo" faction in the Federal Parliament. In the course of the conversation Vladimir Pehktin confirmed that the "Yedinstvo" would support the republic in defending its budgetary interests. This statement on the part of the leader of the most numerous faction in Gosduma (Russian Parliament) has a significant meaning for Tuva as the Russian Parliament now is preparing for the 3d reading of the Federal budget which should define the amount of federal donations to all the regions of Russia
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Dina Oyun
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