Tuva-Online Today Turning 3!

   Dina Oyun
22 Fabruary 2005

permanent link: https://en.tuvaonline.ru/2005/02/22/tuva-online-today-turning-3.html

Tuva-Online Information Agency is turning today 3 – not a jubileum date in Europe but quite an event in Tuva to hold a Doy ceremony! It is a ritual taking place on child's third birthday when he has his hair for the first time cut (that is why before this age boys are very often taken for girls in Tuva) and is presented with numerous gifts. The child acquires his own property made up of sheep, horses, camels etc. Tuva-Online meets its Doy with the reopened English version and eager for your advice and recommendations. The news posted into global net by Dina Oyun, Sayana Mongush, Alexandr Papyn, Audrey Wideman, are 'consumed' by - as the latest internet statistics shows - 1434 Russians, 308 Europeans including 84 Germans, 232 Americans, 71 Indians (!?), 34 Turks, 25 Brasilians, and representatives of 20 more countries ranging from Malta and Australia to Canada and Sri-Lanka.

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