Tuvan Theatre Celebrated its 70th Anniversary

   Alexandr Papyn
1 April 2006

permanent link: https://en.tuvaonline.ru/2006/04/01/tuvan-theatre-celebrated-its-70th-anniversary.html

Tuvan theatre has celebrated its 70th anniversary and 100th anniversary of Tuvan theatre. Photo by Victor Popkov its founder, Viktor Kok-ool, playwrite and actor. The house was full. Jubileum concert gathered veterans of theatre, members of the government, theatre fans. Prime-minister Sherig-ool Oorzhak spoke of the plans to develop a target program on theatre art. He announced that the government has alotted to the theatre a land spot within the Kyzyl territory for the house construction, for the theatre to be able to host its homeless actors (specially young ones), guest performers. Tuvan theatre plans to come to Tuva on the 7th of April. On the 11th of April it will give 'King Lear' play at the Moscow Academic Youth Theatre within the framework of the Golden Mask festival - Tuvan theatre is among its nominees.

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