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» Posts of 16.08.2007
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«    August 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Putin Chose Tuva as a Holiday Place for his Honourable Guest

It was Tuva that was chosen by President Vladimir Putin  out of 88 Russian regions to host Monaco Prince Albert for a 3 days-holiday. Interesting to note that just before this high visit, on August 12, it rained heavily in Kyzyl, where the last 2 weeks the temperature stayed at +30-35 (Celsium). Kyzyl residents thought the rain a sign for the weather change but on the next morning the sky was again virgin blue and the temperature quickly recovered from +13 to its +30-34 (Celsium) and stayed like this during the whole visit. The airplane 'Russia' landed in Kyzyl airport at 10.05 a.m. August 13. The high guests were greeted by Sergei Shoigu, federal minister for emeregency situations, native of Tuva, and Sholban Kara-ool, head of the republic. Putin and Alber the Second several minutes after the arrival mounted a helicopter which was taking them from one beautiful place in Tuva to another.
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Dina Oyun
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