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«    November 2008    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Day of memory was held in Moscow for the researcher of Tuva, Sevyan Vainshtein

On November 23, a day of memory was held in Moscow for the legendary Russian ethnographer, archeologist, orientalist-turkologist, Professor Sevyan Vainshtein (1926-2008). His friends, colleagues and students, including those from Buryatia and Japan, gathered in his apartment. Among them was Dr. Elena Petrovna Batyanova, who remembered Sevyan Izrailevich with deep gratitude – as a great researcher of history, ethnography and archeology of Tuva, as a specialist in the area of history and culture of the nomads of Eurasia.

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Mariya Naksyl, translated by Heda Jindrak

British lords came to visit the opening of the exhibition of the unique collection of Scythian goldsmith art

The only nephew of the British Queen, the founder of the business brand Linley, viscount David Linley, visited on November 2, 2008, the official opening of the exhibition “Treasures of the Valley of Kings. The King’s Kurgan Arzhaan-2”, in the National Museum of Tuva. The exhibition, located in two halls of the new museum building, consisted of the unique finds from the Scythian kurgans of Pii-Khem district of Tuva – the results of archeologic excavations of years 1971-1974 and 2001-2002.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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