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«    May 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Khakassia will purchase 6,000 sheep in Tuva

The deputy of the Chairman of the government of Khakassia, Abrek Cheltygmashev, shared the results and his impressions of the visit to Tuva with Khakass press

at a press-conference.

He told the reporters that 6,000 sheep will be purchased in Tuva. Orders are already coming in from various areas of Khakassia. A project of co-operation with Mongolia is being evaluated, which would involve an establishment of a quarantine point in Tuva for sheep brought over from the neighboring country.

Chernogorsk factory for primary work-up of wool, located in Khakassia can buy up to 100 tons of goat wool and 400 tons of sheep wool from Tuva. It is understood that the rest of the market will not be limited to Tuva.

Tuva suggested to the Khakass businessmen to develop the somewhat neglected area of vegetable farming. The Khakass farmers will have the possibilities to build greenhouses, and to grow vegetables in advantageous conditions. Beside that, the Tuvan government will help to bring the Khakass production into its marketing network.

It has to be noted that Abrek Cheltygmashev, during his visit to Tuva, was awarded thew title “Merited worker of farming industry of Republic Tuva”, and on top of that, he was also called “National hero” by the Chairman of the Government of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool, for the many years of co-operation with Tuvan businesses.

The delegation from Khakassia did not stay far behind – The honorable title “Merited Activist of Arts of Republic Khakassia” was awarded to the minister of culture and information policies of Tuva, Vyacheslav Dongak.

Khakassia-Inform, translated by Heda Jindrak
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