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«    March 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan scientist considers birds one of the “Nine Treasures”

Round table discussions concerning problems of protection of rare species of animals of Tuva just took place in Kyzyl. Altogether 50 species of animals and 90 species of plants have been included in the list in the Red Book of the region. Nevertheless, in the opinion of specialists, the protection of nature in the republic is not very good, as GTRK “Tyva” announced. The nature preserve constitutes only 8% of the entire territory of the republic. In the neighboring Republic Altai, with smaller total area, the protected land constitutes more than 20% of the total.

Doctor of geographical sciences Svetlana Kurbatskaya proposed a new manner of protection of rare species of animals and plants – it is necessary to put together a Red Book of landscapes. This is necessary for zoning the aquatories of lakes Khadyn, Dus-Khol and Tere-Khol. All these beloved places of recreation for the citizens of Tuva can be justifiable candidates for the status of “Treasures” of Tuva, the scientists believe.

Ornithologist Vladimir Zabelin considers birds to be the main treasure of the republic.

The scientists also touched upon the legal side of the problem. For example, the process of assigning the management of the lakes to a single entity has to be started, who will be responsible for both the tourist business and the protection of flora and fauna.

In the words of Nikolai Putintsev, beside establishing natural parks in Tuva, the problem can also be solved by putting together a special committee, which would work on a permanent basis.

The main impression has to be made on the mentalities of local population: it is necessary not to only take from nature, but to be able to give back, too.

Remember that the project “Nine Treasures” is aimed at search for unknown noteworthy objects of Tuva, their protection and management, organization of tourist itineraries which include the “Treasures”, and formation of tourism infrastructure in the republic.

Info from, translated by Heda Jindrak
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