18 March 2010 | Views: 4194 | Comments: 1 |
Adygzhy Sambuu from Adyr-Kezhig village became a double champion of the 16th reindeer herders’ festival which just took place in Todzha kozhuun. He was able to saddle and load a reindeer faster than anybody else, and was first in the main competition – reindeer races. The events in the last type of competition evolved dramatically – out of the eight reindeer riders who started, only four finished the race. Half of the animals simply outright refused to go in the direction of the finish line. The last meters of the finish stretch became very alarming for Adygzhy, who was the first to get there. His reindeer suddenly made a sharp left turn, and kept going practically parallel to the finish line. The other riders began to catch up to him.
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak |
18 March 2010 | Views: 2777 | Comments: 0 |
The first stage of the “Nine treasures” project ended
During the past two months, I had the good fortune to meet and to get to know a huge number of people, different in age and in character, in their profession and in their relationship to life in general. All of them had one thing in common – their participation in the special project “Nine Treasures”, which started on January 13 of this year.
Anna Khadakhane, coordinator of the “Nine Treasures” project, translated by Heda Jindrak |