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«    April 2010    »
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Festival of live music and faith “Ustuu-Khuree” will take place on July 5 – 8

The organizing committee of the international benefit festival of live music and faith, “Ustuu-Khuree”, decided on the dates for the event as July 5 – 8. As “FederalPress” was told by the leader of the committee, the director of the Tuvan State Philharmony Igor Dulush, currently the matter of guests for the festival is being evaluated. Boris Grebenshchikov and the members of “Akvarium” group could be among them.

“The travel of the participants from Kyzyl to Chadan, where the festival is traditionally held, will start on July 4th, and the departures will start on July 9th, - said Igor Dulush. – Right now we are accepting applications for participation in the event, and the list of guests is being evaluated. Aside from that, we are researching the possibility of inviting Boris Grebenshchikov and “Akvarium”, but the matter has not been decided.”

The international festival of ethnic music “Ustuu-Khuree” has been taking place in Chadan in Tuva since 1999. It was originated by Tuvan musicians who were trying to attract attention of the public to the problem of reconstruction of Buddhist monastery Ustuu-Khuree, which was destroyed in 1937.

Currently the festival, now in its 12th season, is considered to be one of the best ethnic events of Russia.

fedpress.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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