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» Posts of 15.10.2010
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«    October 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Doctor of Buddhist philosophy, author of popular stories for children visited Tuva

Doctor of Buddhist philosophy, author of popular stories for children visited TuvaOne of his books became the best children’s book of Russia in 2007. He is a Doctor of Buddhist philosophy, who studied in India at the Drepung Goman University. He graduated from the department of psychology at one of the colleges in Moscow. He has been visiting Tuva these past few days, accompanying the monks from the “Drepung Goman” monastery on their Russian tour. His Buddhist name, which was given to him by the Dalai-Lama XIV, is Tepchoy, which is short for Tenzin Choyzin – Keeper of the dharma and knowledge.

- The stories you write are very unusual. Tell us, please, how you started to write.

- I started writing five years ago, because there was an obvious need for literature for children. Everybody liked the first book, “Stories for baby elephant Lanchenkar”.

  • 80
Elena Chadamba, translated by Heda Jindrak
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