Producers of the film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" are being sued for 17 million rubles

   Komsomolskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak
21 March 2011

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Producers of  the film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" are being sued for 17 million rublesThe feature film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" was released to the movie screens of this country in 2009. It took several years to make yet another epos about the great conqueror, kilometers of film and almost 10 million dollars. At the premiere everybody applauded the film crew and the director  Andrei Borisov,  who is also the minister of culture of Yakutia.

It almost seemed that the Yakut film  will conquer the entire planet, and will get the well-deserved awards… The blow came from an unexpected direction: the sponsors, because the Yakut film was filmed for more than the budget money, demanded return of the money. It was explained that they supplied the money in advance, and that the film did not justify their expectations.

- A hearing of the claim by the company "Nizhne-Lenskoye" against "Urgel-B",  the producers of the film, is scheduled for 23 March, - the Arbitration court of Yakutia confirmed to "KP". The sum in question is 17 289 607 rubles.

The producers do not have the money, just as they do not have another 50 million which are needed for other creditors. Few people made more than 1 million dollars on the film. The profits did not cover the expenses; after all, the film crew traveled all over Asia for three years, managing to film not just in Yakutia, but in Mongolia, Khakassia, Tuva, Kalmykia Altai, and Baikal as well. They "requisitioned" actors not just from Tuva, but also the Hollywood star Oleg Taktarov and the Japanese actor Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa. They, of course, received appropriate pay. True, then Taktarov's role was cut out. His hero Kuchulug-Khan, was practically absent in the final version. - About 10 hours of material was filmed. Then they cut it down to four, then to two hours, and as a result, there are about 10 minutes with me in it., - Oleg Taktarov said.

- I don't blame the director. The resulting film turned out to be very interesting. There is history, geography, military activities… Only I am not in it!

Oleg did not like the fact that the advertising trailer of the film was centered around him. Basically they deceived the audiences.

- It is painful, after all, I spent several weeks on the filming, -m  sighs the actor.  - I risked my life: I performed all the horseback stunts myself, even though my costume weighed about 80 kilograms (about 170 lbs) I decided to refuse similar roles in the future. Not the main role, not any role! I have enough other things to do in this life. Better to train athletes.

Of course,  nobody  wanted to upset Taktarov. Simply the director and the producer, filming their first movie, could not keep in mind all the nuances, both in the filming respect as well as the financial aspect.

How the creators of the drama will come out of the scandalous situation is not clear. No explanations were offered by the producers, "Urgel-B".

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