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«    December 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

In Khovu-Aksy, work continues on liquidation of consequences of accident at local TEC (heat supply central)

In Khovu-Aksy, work continues on liquidation of consequences of accident at local TEC (heat supply central)Altogether 562 people and 80 units of technical equipment have been utilized for liquidation of emergency situation in Khovu-Aksy. Repair work is being performed by 17 repair crews of 103 people, and having 18 units of technical equipment in use. At the same time, measures have been taken to help the population evacuated form residential buildings which were left without heat supply. As of 26 December, out of 3303 people affected by the emergency situation. 2799 have taken refuge with relatives, and 440 citizens of the settlement, including 132 children, have been placed in temporary shelters.

According to instructions of the head of the republic, Sholban Kara-ool, the operative headquarters carried out analysis of the quality of work of the evacuation points.

Altogether 19 points of temporary shelter are scattered over the territory of the republic, including 11 in Chedi-Khol district and two in kyzyl.

In Khovu-Aksy, work continues on liquidation of consequences of accident at local TEC (heat supply central)Currently 16 points are active and two are held in reserve. Mostly basic education schools, kindergartens, and boarding school dorms are designated as shelters.

All the pints are furnished with bedding and supplied with water and food, as well as disinfection products. Hot food is distributed to the evacuees four times a day. All the inhabitants of temporary shelters are supplied with items of personal hygiene. Five-day supplies of medications are renewed daily. Shelters located in Sailyg, Ak-Tal,, Elegest and Chal-Kezhik of Chedi-Khol district have round-the-clock medical nurse service. The shelters have eight Russian MChS psychologists on duty.

Police, OMON and MChS staff supervise the order and fire safety in the shelters. As part of medical services for Khovu-Aksy population, a clinic was opened, the staff of which has examined 455 patients including 255 children between December 20 to 25. The examinations have not revealed any seriously sick patients. At the location of the emergency situation, a crew of specialists in catastrophe medicine is on duty around the clock. Three point where heating appliances are issued to the population, as well as solid fuel and food products. MChS staff regularly informs the population about the situation.

In connection with the issue of stoves, firemen provide instruction in rules of safe use of the appliances.

According to preliminary data, expenses for the liquidation of accident at local TEC have reached 9 million 59 thousand rubles to date.

By 26 December, from Kyzyl, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow and Abakan, altogether 117 tons of equipment and technology for repair work, heating appliances, including stoves, food products, more than 100 tons of GSM, more than 220 cubic meters of wood have been sent to Khovu-Aksy. The Town hall of Kyzyl has sent 840 kilograms of household gas in balloons, and Ulug-Khem district donated 14 heads of small horned cattle. In the nearest time, 10 "Vologda" furnaces and food products are expected to arrive from the government of Republic Altai. Trans-Baikal government made a decision to sent 30 stoves to Tuva, and the matter of allocating 200 thousand rubles from a reserve fund to help the population affected by the emergency situation is under discussion. As of 03 hrs of local time on 26 December, the outside air temperature at the settlement was 30 degrees centigrade under the freezing point., translated by Heda Jindrak
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