Tuva to Host in August World Throat-Singing Contest

11 January 2015

permanent link: https://en.tuvaonline.ru/2015/01/11/tuva-to-host-in-august-world-throat-singing-contest.html

Tuva to Host in August World Throat-Singing ContestTuva, Khoomey's motherland, is to host in mid-August the International Throat-Singing Contest with the participation of the strongest throat-singers ofthe world. The details of the preparation for this big cultural event were discussed at the meeting of Tuva Head Sholban Kara-ool with the most famous Tuvan khoomei-singers Kaigal-ool Khovalyg (Huun-Huur-tu) and Igor Koshkendey (Chirgilchin), at present director of the Center for the Development of Tuvan culture (https://vk.com/tuvacenter)

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