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» Posts of 04.09.2001
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«    September 2001    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Election Rules are Created for Formation of Bicameral Parliament

Today Sherig-ool Oorzhak, the President of the Republic has signed the new election laws adopted by the Supreme Khural (parliament of Tuva) in July this year. The new laws would serve as the base for the introduction of a new state system in Tuva. In accordance with the new Constitution of Tuva, adopted on the republican referendum on 6, May, 2001 Tuva will have no President any more but will have a 2-cameral parliament consisting of 162 deputies. These innovations were initiated by the Sherig-ool Oorzhak and were supported by people through an all-republican vote in May.
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Dina Oyun

Nadezhda Krasnaya is Singing Grig and Rakhmaninov

Most famous Tuvan opera-singer Nadezhda Krasnaya successfully combines the carreers of a singer and a teacher. Today she has given her first after summer holidays lesson of vocal art in the Moscow Conservatoir and had her first rehearsal of a new concert programme whiich would be presented to public on September, 20 in the Stanislavski Museum. The programme consists of romances by Grig and Rakhmaninov.
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Dina Oyun
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