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1 August 2002 | Views: 2533 | Comments: 0 |
Dr. Dorzhu Kuular, the Chair of the Tuvan Literature Department at Tuvan State University, is celebrating his 70th birthday today. A long-time devotee of Tuvan folklore, Dr. Kuular defended his thesis "Formation of Tuvan Poetry" in 1969, and in 2000 earned his doctorate in philological science when he presented "Tuvan Folklore in the Context of Central Asian Oral Poetic Traditions". His lectures on Tuvan verse formation and Oriental Literature are very popular among students at the university.
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1 August 2002 | Views: 2507 | Comments: 0 |
A number of criminal lawsuits has been brought against high-ranking Tuvan officials. The latest suit claims that Darya Kuular, Chief Financial Inspector, allegedly stole budget money. An investigation of her office carried out by her colleagues from the Altai region also brought allegations that she neglected her duties.