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» Tuvan Officials are Accused of Budget Manipulations
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«    August 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan Officials are Accused of Budget Manipulations

A number of criminal lawsuits has been brought against high-ranking Tuvan officials. The latest suit claims that Darya Kuular, Chief Financial Inspector, allegedly stole budget money. An investigation of her office carried out by her colleagues from the Altai region also brought allegations that she neglected her duties. Five deputies of the new Khural will spend their vacations attending court hearings. Boris Balchyi-ool, ex-head of the State Property Committee, is accused of the illegal privatization of state property. The Collegium of the Supreme Court of Russia recently stripped Roman Mongush of his deputy immunity despite the fact that it had been refused by the deputies. Mongush will be held responsible for his hooligan-like behavior toward the militia. Also, the elections of Vyacheslav Ushkalov, Mikhail Kuular, and Zoya Sat are now being argued in court by their former rivals.

Helen Lokotkova
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