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«    Fabruary 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Mental Home Deputy Director Detained for Stealing Money from Children

A deputy director of the Derzig-Aksy children mental home, Anatoli Oorzhak, who seized money from children, was brought into custody in Tuva. The Kaa-Khem district court of Tuva ruled to put into custody the deputy director of the children mental home, chief press officer of the Tuva republican prosecutor’s office Vasily Krivdik told Itar-Tass. Criminal proceedings were instituted against the pedagogue “for stealing with violence, which was not dangerous for life and health.” During a procurator’s inspection it was found out that Oorzhak seized 400 roubles from the child using force. According to Krivdik, the inspection in the children mental home also exposed numerous violations by workers of the mental home. Seventy-five percent of grants paid to children with mental disabilities must have been channeled to the mental home to buy home appliances and furniture, 25 percent of these grants must have been given to children as pocket money.

Other pedagogues of the mental home also stole money from children. It was found out that pedagogue for social activities Lyudmila Oorzhak stole 20,000 roubles allegedly for furniture purchases for six months of 2006. Choduraa Mongush also seized money from children. Criminal proceedings were instituted against them for fraud and office abuse.

Krivdik also noted that two cases against two hospital attendants – Ayas Sanchi and Yelena Tantal were brought to court. They are accused of beating children with mental disabilities.

As many as 3,347 children with various disabilities are registered in Tuva at the beginning of 2007, several hundreds of them were left without parents’ care.

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