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24 May 2005 | Views: 4033 | Comments: 0 |
25 masters from 6 districts and the city of Kyzyl competed for the tittle of the Best Maker of Tuvan traditional musical instruments submitting to the jury headed by music expert Valentina Suzikei 105 musical instruments – igil, byzaanchy, chadagan, doshpuluur, chanzy, khomus, kengirge, dungur, limbi, shoor, ediske, murgul. In the first round the judges estimated the acoustic parametres of the instruments listening to their sound from behind the curtain to mainain anonimity. In the second round the masters should have acquainted the jury with their personal methods, materials, secrets. Aldar Damdyn, teacher at the Kyzyl Art School, musician in the Tuvan Traditional Instruments Orchestra, was recognized the Best One.