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«    October 2005    »
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Albert Mongush is Winner at the Russian Sambo Championship

Albert Mongush, 16, has come back from the Russian Championship in sambo wrestling, which has been held in Saratov, with a gold medal. Today he and his coach Vaycheslav Mongush were honoured in the Kyzyl Mayor Office. Dmitri Dongak. Kyzyl mayor, has presented the schoolboy with various gifts.
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Dina Oyun

American musician hailed as unlikely throat-singing icon

The American musician Paul Pena, who has died aged 55, became an unlikely icon when the award-winning documentary Genghis Blues, charting his quest to sing in the Central Asian republic of Tuva, was hailed as a popular success.

Though he sold very few albums, Pena was admired internationally for his courage and dignity in the face of terrible reverses. He lost his sight by the age of 20, and his last years were dogged by debilitating illness, which meant that he was rarely able to make music, a hard blow for a gentle man who enjoyed communicating with his new-found fans.

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