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» Memorial Concert Dedicated to One of the First Tuvan Rock-musicians Took Place in Kyzyl
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«    December 2005    »
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Memorial Concert Dedicated to One of the First Tuvan Rock-musicians Took Place in Kyzyl

Gosha Sat, Tuvan rock-star. Photo from his personal archive Concert devoted to Gosha Sat, one of the most talented Tuvan bass-guitar-players, composers and first Tuvan rockers, was held in Kyzyl. It was titled 'Duzhuum-dur bo, chugaalap beein!' (This is my dream. Let us speak on it.), a line from one of his popular songs. A nugget from the most singing place in Tuva - Khondergei in Dzun-Khemchik - he was one of the founders of the legendary Centre of Asia group. Its repertoire was made primarily out of his songs. The group was a pioneer in Tuvan rock and was the most popular at that time. Gosha's favourite instrument was a bass-guitar. He died young. Unfortunately following the same way on which many other talented Tuvans passed away. He took to drinking and every time assured his friends that he would easily quit it and write a new nonetheless talented song. But he could not get through it...

Sayana Mongush
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