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» 90th Anniversary of Dersou
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«    September 2002    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

90th Anniversary of Dersou

Today is the 90th birthday of the legendary Maxim Munzuk, a Tuvan actor, writer, director, and folklore collector who made Tuva known after his triumphant role of Dersou Usala in the film of the same title made by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa. The film was nominated for an Oscar and won the statue in 1973 for Best Foreign Picture. Munzuks road to this success was not easy. He was an arats son and at the age of 17 enrolled in the Tuvan Revolutionary Army, where he learned the music ABC. The talented young man was asked to organize a Tuvan theatre studio from scratch. That studio later turned into the Tuvan Drama Theatre. His range of roles was wide, as his range of interests was wide. He toured with his wife, Kara-Kys Munzuk, a famous singer, around Tuva and collected old Tuvan songs and recorded Tuvan melodies. Their home was the gathering place of many of the Tuvan bohemian elite: here you could meet composers Alexei Chyrgal-ool, Alexandr Laptan, Rostislav Kendenbil, Damba Khuresh-ool, scientist Baikara Khovenmei, writers Victor Kok-ool, Vladimir Seren-ool, etc. Devoted to this 90th anniversary was an exhibition in the National Museum of Local Studies. Here one could find manuscripts with the autographs of all those great men, rare photos, and concert costumes of the actor. The famous Tuvan writer Kyzyl-Enik Kudazhy who spoke at the opening mentioned one thing that in enumerating all of Maxim Munzuks merits, everyone forgot that he was a very smart hunter. On November 1st, in the Drama Theatre of Tuva, a commemoration concert devoted to the legendary master will be held. Greetings are welcome at the address: Drama Theatre, Lenin St.33, Kyzyl, Tuva, Moscow.

Dina Oyun
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