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» Memorable Day in the Munzuks' Family
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«    September 2005    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Memorable Day in the Munzuks' Family

Maxim Munzuk. Photo courtesy of 'Friends of Tuva' (www.fotuva.org)Today is Maxim Munzuk's 95th anniversary and 87th anniversary of his wife - Kara-Kys Munzuk. The double festival in the legendary Tuvan family used to be celebrated at a round table the main dish on which was 'pirozhki', remembers their daughter Svetlana Munzuk. Actually Munzuk was born on the 10th of May, 1910 as he learnt in his last years but he decided not to change the documents: 'I lived all my life with this date. Let it stay so till my last moment'. Before the introduction of the European calendar Tuvans determined the dates by a state of nature - when a moon stand at..., when the leaves were yellowish, at the harvest time. etc. Thus Kara-Kys Oyun's (Munzuk) birthday was approximately fixed, when the girl was brought to the Bai-Khaak's school. Maxim Munzuk was born in a poor family where only girls were born and all of them died. The 9th delivery ended in twins - a boy and a girl. And again a cruel stroke of fate. The mother and the girl died, the boy survived and made later on a great actor.

Dina Oyun
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