Buddist Mantra on a Mountain in Tuva Sanctified

   Yulia Zhironkina
15 September 2006

permanent link: https://en.tuvaonline.ru/2006/09/15/buddist-mantra-on-a-mountain-in-tuva-sanctified.html

Mantra on a Tuvan mountain. Photo by Yulia Zhironkina The biggest-ever Buddist mantra, made out of huge stones painted white on a Lenin mountain in the vicinity of Kyzyl, has been sanctified. A ceremony was carried out by lamas of Gyudmed Tibetan monastery as well as Tuvan monks. Present were Kyzyl residents of different age, including enthusiasts who took part in the mantra construction works. Sanctification ceremony of a buddist mantra. Kyzyl. Tuva. Photo by Yulia Zhironkina Lamas confessed in interviews to local media that it was almost a miracle that throughout a month long work when it was either very sunny or it rained heavily, none of the mantra makers fell ill. It is a proof that this work was a blessed one.

The mantra whose force upon sanctifying has been multiplied is to speed up a Dalai lama's visit to Tuva.

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