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«    August 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva preparing for forthcoming public prayer about longevity of Dalai Lama

In early September a wide range of events will be held in Tuva to support the forthcoming public prayer about longevity of Dalai Lama, which Russian Buddhists plan to hold in Tibetan residence of their spiritual leader in Dharamshala in November.

As the official Web site of the Tuvan Government reported, sand mandalas of Medicine Buddha, who protects living beings from sickness, will be made in the republic as part of preparation for the forthcoming prayer. Some important Tantric rituals, where residents and guests of the republic will be able to take part, will be held in Tuva. The sand mandalas of Medicine Buddha will be built by monks of the Gyudmed Tibetan Tantric Monastery, who had been rendering assistance to Tuva in the revival of Buddhist traditions. The Gyudmed monks will hold the ceremony of the big praying drum, which they had built for donations last year.

The religious events will finish with the ritual of the White Tara, Buddhist goddess of longevity, on September 16. The Buddhists will pray to the goddess for longevity of all those attending the ceremony and saving them from all sicknesses.

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