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«    January 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

An Exhibition of Nadia Rusheva’s Drawings Opens in Crimea

On January 31, at 11:00 am, in the Museum of A. Grin, an exhibition of drawings of the remarkable young artist from Moscow, Nadia Rusheva, will be opened. Art historians called her a girl-genius, “the greatest of the young, and the youngest of the great”. Nadia’s life ended abruptly at the age of 17 years. Her parents donated her drawings to the museum dedicated to the works of A.Grin.

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Novosti Kryma (News of the Crimea), translated by Heda Jindrak

Successful Premiere of a Spectacle about the Great Turkic Military Leader took place in Tuva

In Kyzyl, the premiere of the spectacle “Kultegin”, produced by director Alexei Oorzhak after the epic drama by Eduard Mizhit, was presented to a full house. The subject of the drama is based on the text of the famous monument of Orkhon-Yenisei writing of VI-VII Centuries, carved on a stone stele, concerning the life history of the “hero of all Turks”, Kultegin, Prince of the Eastern Turkic Khanate.

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Heda Jindrak, after information of gov.tuva.ru

Evraz Won't Develop Coal Field

Evraz Group said Monday that it had renounced the right to purchase the license to develop the Mezhegeiskoye coal deposit, which it won in a hotly contested auction last year, because of weakening market conditions. Evraz unit Yuzhkuzbassugol had offered 16.9 billion rubles ($510 million) to win the right to the license in July, beating out competitors including Oleg Deripaska's Basic Element for the deposit in the Tuva region.

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The Moscow Times

Hear earthly harmonies at Minnaert Center for the Arts. Tuvan throat singers share beautiful and unusual technique

The all-female throat-singing group Tyva Kyzy sang in Olympia during its first U.S. tour. That stop, in 2005, was the first performance at South Puget Sound Community College's Minnaert Center for the Arts. On Friday, the group - whose name is pronounced "Tuva K'zih" - returns on its third tour. "It's our first repeat," said center director Cassandra Welliver.

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Molly Gilmore | For The Olympian

Shamans of Siberia, including Tuva – Magicians, Intermediaries, Healers: An outstanding exhibition in Stuttgart, Germany, from December 13, 2008 to June 28, 2009

Kamlanie in Tuva - shamanic ceremony for the erection of a place of sacrifice 2007 in Tuva - photo by Vera Charitonova
Kamlanie in Tuva - shamanic ceremony for the erection of a place of sacrifice 2007 in Tuva - photo by Vera Charitonova
The renowned Linden-Museum in cooperation with the Museum of Ethnography in St. Petersburg is presenting this outstanding and lively exhibition at a time when Germans remain sensitive and open-minded for Siberian cultures and art forms thanks to the large Scythian exhibitions in Berlin, Munich and Hamburg in 2007 and 2008.

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Linden-Museum Stuttgart and Alouette Verlag Oststeinbek (Germany)

The Tuvan National Orchestra launches their web site

The Tuvan National Orchestra has a new home on the Internet: http://www.tuvannationalorchestra.com. This English-language website includes audio clips of some of the Orchestra’s most popular songs, including “Men Tyva Men” (I am Tuvan), as well as video clips, photos, a brief history of the Orchestra, and a biographical sketch of Ayana Samiyaevna Mongush, the Orchestra’s brilliant artistic director.

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Jean Bubley
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