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» Posts of 06.02.2009
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«    Fabruary 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Eduard Mizhit: “Through the portrait of Kultegin, we focus on the life of a man and a ruler, who is asked to decide the fate of his nation and to be responsible for it”

A Discussion of the reporter from Tuvinskaya Pravda with the poet and dramaturgist, member of the Writers’ Union and Union of Theatre Workers of Russia, Merited Artist of Republic Tuva, Eduard Mizhit.

-Eduard Bairovich, tell us, please, briefly, about the history of making the play.

-Many years ago, during a discussion with the outstanding director, now a Merited Artist of Russian Federation, national artist Alexei Oorzhak, it became clear that our interests and ideas concerning history of Tuva and its present are very similar.

At that time the idea of producing a trilogy about the ancient history of Tuva was born. The historical drama-essay, which later also became a spectacle, “Who are you, Subedei?” became its first part. The historical drama “Kultegin” is the second part of the planned trilogy. The drama was written in 1996, and in 1997, there were some additions and corrections.

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Salim Mongush, “Tuvinskaya Pravda”, translated by Heda Jindrak
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