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«    April 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Fund “Por-Bazhyn” will concentrate its resources for finishing the construction of the Buddhist monastery in Tuva

The cultural fund “Por-Bazhyn” will concentrate its efforts on finishing the construction of the unique Buddhist temple “Ustuu-Khuree”. The other project of the fund – the ancient island Uighur fortress, where in 2007-2008 extensive multidisciplinary archeological excavations took place, will be temporarily put on hold.

As the vice-director of the fund, Rustam Rzayev explained, this decision was reached by the leadership of the fund in February, to optimize the efforts in the conditions of general financial crisis.

Form Tere-Khol kozhuun, the major part of equipment, materials and autotechnology was brought to Ustuu-Khuree, where the main structure of the building, exact copy of the monastery which was destroyed in the 30’s of last century, was finished last October.

“They made four trips in 28 vehicles to transport the materials,- explains Rustam Rzayev. – the remainder was given for temporary use to the town administration of Tere-Khol.”

The remainder – that is vehicles, storehouses, cafeteria, bath, ovens, beds, satellite dishes, gas stoves, soft inventory and much else, is now in responsible keeping of the municipal leaders of the hard-to-reach Tere-Khol, which became, in the course of the past three years, one of the most promising prospects, “points of growth” of Tuva.

“All the people of Tere-Khol are very grateful to “Por-Bazhyn”. The Fund has done so much for us! For the school, the hospital, the klub. Our district hospital now has the most advanced medical technologic equipment in the Republic. Even Kyzyl does not have this technology, - proudly explains Rodion Munzuk, the representative of the chairman of the Tere-Khol kozhuun government. Now, on the base of the student archeological camp we can set up a recreational camp for children. We’ll think about how to best organize it.”

In April, the work on the construction of the temple complex “Ustuu-Khuree” will be renewed. This Buddhist monastery which was one of the strongest in Siberia, was destroyed by the revolutionary government in 1937, together with all other religious buildings, and the lamas were repressed. In 1984, the temple received the status of architectural monument of significance for the republic, and was taken under government protection. It was recognized as the only monument on the territory of the former USSR, which preserves the Tibetan style of temple architecture. Remember that in 2008, with the participation of the “Por-Bazhyn” fund, the “Ustuu-Khuree” project was declared to be a national public participation construction.

What was not possible to get done for many years – the construction of the main body of the temple building, was finished in one summer. According to plans, more buildings will be erected around the main temple, representing a whole complex – an inn, a center of Tibetan and folk medicine, school of philosophy and others.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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