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«    July 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Bill Gates started a new project “Tuva”

A new internet site, created by the Microsoft empire, is Project Tuva. It contains a series of lectures in physics by the legendary scientist, Nobel Prize Laureate, Richard Feynman. Bill Gates had long felt sympathies towards the eccentric physicist, one of the founders of the computer era, who was closely involved with the atomic projects of the Pentagon, and had a remarkable sense of humor.

Gates named the new web-site “Tuva” for Feynman’s long passion – the scientist was a stamp collector as a child, and seeing the stamps from the exotic country Tannu-Tuva, he dreamt of visiting the republic in the center of Asia.

But his dream never came true. “Tuva or Bust”, the book written by Feynman’s friend Ralph Leighton, a mathematics teacher, is dedicated to their attempts to get to Tuva.

In June, the scientist’s daughter Michelle came to Kyzyl.

The radio BBC published a Russian version of the program about this trip, prepared by Ilona Vinogradova. English version is in preparation.

To enjoy the new site “Tuva”, the aficionados of physics need to get the Microsoft Silverlight.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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