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«    August 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Sainkho and Huun-Huur-Tu will give a concert together in Moscow

Famous Tuvan-Austrian singer Sainkho spent this summer in her native country. She managed to relax at the “Cheder” spa, and also received a Honorary Letter for active participation in the social life of the spa.

On August 20, she participated in the daily program of the famous rocker Albert Kuvezin, on the radio “Golos Azii” (Voice of Asia).
“On this trip, I simply relaxed, took care of myself, my health, and looked at Tuva, - said the singer. – The republic is coming to life, everything is boiling with life, there is a lot of building, renovations. Buildings and roads are getting a make-over. It is great!”

Sainkho is preparing for a China tour.

On October 11, which is the 65th Anniversary of Tuva’s entry into the Soviet Union, Sainkho and the legendary Tuvan group Huun-Huur-Tu will give a concert together in one of the most prestigious concert halls in Moscow – International House of Music – as part of the program “Stars of World Music”.

The site of the House of Music has an announcement of the event:

“Tuvan singer Sainkho Namtchylak, is the woman with an exotic name and mysterious shamanic voice. Her vocal technique is unprecedented – from Tuvan throat singing style “khoomei” to dizzying lowest and highest limits of jazz vocals. Her unique style organically unites the traditional and the avant-garde. She turns to ancient vocal techniques, to ethnic music of the peoples of Siberia and the North, she practices Tibetan harmonic singing, and, at the same time, uses the newest methods of sound production, including pop style and free-jazz style of singing. She audaciously experiments with electronics and various styles, combining contemporary digital technologies with archaic instruments and ways of performance.

Sainkho has been called “the magic voice of Tuva”, and her astonishing and compelling singing has been compared to voices of nature and sounds of the elements. Each of her performances allows the audience an opportunity for meeting the most relevant aspects of European musical experience. On October 11, Sainkho Namtchylak will perform in the House of Music together with the unsurpassed group Huun-Huur-Tu, which absorbed the entire heritage of Tuvan folk music and throat singing.”

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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