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» Posts of 24.10.2009
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«    October 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

A film made by a Tuvan student got into a special program of international ecological cinematic festival

A short movie “Citizen of the World”, made by 17-year-old Denis Yadykin, a student of Kyzyl Roads and Transportation institute, was selected into a special program of the XIV Internationa festival of Ecological Films “Green Vision-2009”. An official announcement was sent from the organizing committee to the address of the director of the “Dersu Uzala” foundation, Svetlana Munzuk.

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Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak

Tuva and Mongolia are re-establishing ties torn up during the years of “perestroika”

At the end of October, the Premier of Tuvam sholban Kara-ool will meet with the president of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiyn Elbegdorj. The head of the border region of Russia received an official invitation to visit Ulan-Bator from the new government of Mongolia in June of theis year.

Tuva, there fore , plans to re-establish once-close economic and cultural ties with their neighbors, which were interrupted during the “perestroika” years.

  • 100
Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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