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«    October 2009    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva and Mongolia are re-establishing ties torn up during the years of “perestroika”

At the end of October, the Premier of Tuvam sholban Kara-ool will meet with the president of Mongolia, Tsakhiagiyn Elbegdorj. The head of the border region of Russia received an official invitation to visit Ulan-Bator from the new government of Mongolia in June of theis year.

Tuva, there fore , plans to re-establish once-close economic and cultural ties with their neighbors, which were interrupted during the “perestroika” years.

The Republic concluded several treaties with with the border-region aimaks of Mongolia – Zavkhan, Khuvsugul, and Uvsu-Nur. The parties agreed about exchanges of livestock, and breed animals, as well as joint touristic, cultural and educational projects, and other co-operative ventures.

President of Russia, Dmitrii Medvedev, spoke about the necessity of closer and more effective mutual relations of the border regions of Russia with Mongolia. In August of this year, the head of the government signed a Declaration about Development of Strategic Partnership with the newly elected President of Mongolia, Elbegdorj.

In the framework of the Russian-Mongolian Declaration, which was signed in Ulan-Bator, a visit of the Buryat President Vyacheslav Nagovitsin to Mongolia took place recently.

It is known that questions of development of the border-crossing point “Khandagaity-Borshoo” will be evaluated during the program of the Premier of Tuva’s projected visit to Mongolia, as well as questions of co-operation in there-organization of farming and herding production and raw materials, and evaluation of the Mongolian experiences with renewable energy resources ( solar batteries) in distant and hard-to-reach regions, and other matters.

An official representative consular agency of Tuva in Mongolia is to be opened in Ulan-Bator.

In the external economic activity of the republic, 98.4% falls to Mongolia. At that, the meat products percentage is the largest of the imports, and constitutes 86%, according to statistics from 2008.

Dina Oyun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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