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«    March 2007    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva-Mongolia Friendship Society Established in Tuva

Voluntary organization for frienship between Tuva and Mongolia "Naiyral" was established in Kyzyl. Constituent assembly for the new organization with participants from Tuva and Mongolia - residents of settlements near border - was held in Aldan-Maadyr (60 heroes) National Museum in Kyzyl.

Anatoliy Damba-Khuurak who represents borderline regions of Tuva in lower chamber of Tuvan Parliament told "Tuva-Online" that the main goal of new organization is contibution to strengthening of friendly ties between two neighbor regions.

"Smuggling, rounding up cattle over the state border - these are main subjects for talks regarding Tuva-Mongolia relations nowadays. We want to crush this stereotype and re-establish cultural, economic and artistic ties between Tuva and Mongolia", says Damba-Khuurak. Deputy director of Aldan-Maadyr National Museum Kyrgyz Borbak was elected President for the new organization, and Mongolian citizen Ulamsuren Tsetsegdar, faculty member of Tuvan State University - Vice-President. Offices of "Naiyral" will be established in border regions of Tuva and Mongolia.

Dina Oyun
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