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«    September 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

New head of Forein Relations Department in Tuva appointed

New head of Forein Relations Department in Tuva appointedAgency for foreign economic relations of Tuva will be led by Chylgychy Ondar. The main task of the new Director sees to raise the Agency’s activities at the level of the requirements identified the head of the Republic, reported the Tuva Government.

“The main goal of the head of the Republic before us to create the most favorable conditions for the growth of external trade. To accomplish this goal, you must, first of all, to make the international status of the customs checkpoint “Handagajty-Boršoo”. The Republic has taken the first steps to establish a mission of Tuva in Ulan Bator. The need to intensify and complete. The Agency will have to address the question of export sawn through “Handagajty”. In General, these issues will provide a significant acceleration of the development of international economic relations of Tuva in the direction of Mongolia and China.

At the interregional level, said the new leader, major efforts will be directed towards the implementation of the Agency’s cooperation agreements concluded by the Republic to other regions, particularly the Siberian.

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