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«    September 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuva presses Chinese investors repaire roads

Tuva presses Chinese investors repaire roadsHead Of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool officials during a working meeting with the Vice President of “name Zijin” Lin Hongfu and Chairman of the Board of Directors of OOO “Lunsin” Lin Zhujtènom officials from Chinese investors to reconstruction of roads damaged by heavy machinery. About this the press service of the Tuva Government reported.

Šolban Kara-ool noted the satisfactory implementation of the project of Kyzyl-Taštygskogo deposits of polymetallic ores in the Todžinskom region of Tuva. In doing so, he raised two main issues: whether the Corporation to participate in the reconstruction of the road of Kyzyl-Kyzyl-Jep and the realization of the project on construction of a modular power plants based on coal, as Tuvinian in due time stated in the Protocol on intentions.

The head of the Republic noted that the road of Kyzyl-Kyzyl-Jeps came in deplorable state, primarily because of the use of the heavy-duty transport Ltd “Lunsin”. For the reconstruction of roads in the enhanced version of the allocated this year nearly 10 million dollars. “Lunsin”, for its part, has made 2 million rubles. The head of the Republic believes that this is clearly insufficient, taking into account that “Lunsin” is the main user of the road.

Turning to the question of the participation of the parties in the implementation of the project of construction of the modular TPS, the Prime Minister noted that the agreement has emerged on the assumption that by participating in the project, mining enterprise will be able to obtain cheaper electricity.

Lin Hongfu assured the head of the Republic, that the Corporation will increase investment in the reconstruction of the road network. As regards participation in the ènergoproekte, the issue will be resolved after learning of its shareholders. At the same time “Lunsin” is ready to take part in the construction of TRANSMISSION LINES in the event of her laying in Todžinskij district.

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