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» Heavy Trucks Damaged the Ice before the Passenger Bus
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«    January 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Heavy Trucks Damaged the Ice before the Passenger Bus

Today early in the morning a working group of the Tuvan Department of the Emergency Ministry has held a number of sittings devoted to possible causes of the accident with the bus on the ice road near Kara-Khaak in which yesteray 2 people died. It was noted that the traffic on the ice road 55 cm thick was officially permitted for the cars not exceeding 10 tons weight. But as it turned out just before the bus with the passengers two heavy KAMAZ trucks loaded with coal (over 30 tons) crossed the river. It is guessed that they could have crushed the ice, but managed to overcome the road. The bus did not. It plunged under the ice. The passengers went onto the roof of the vehicle. Among passengers was a rescue man who helped the others. Luckily a passing by militia car noticed the bus and called the rescue brigade by radio. People of the nearby village came to help. Two middle-aged men drowned. 20 were saved. Among them 2 children and a pregnant woman. They are taken to the hospital.

Dolaana Salchak, Dina Oyun
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