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«    December 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Five People Died in a Car Accident

Four people died in a car accident 200 km to the south of Kyzyl on the road heading to the Mongolian frontier. Seven people were injured and taken to the hospital, where one of them died, Aleftina Dorzhu, spokesperson for the Emergency and Civil Defence Unit in Tuva reported to Tuva-Online. Tragic statistics of road accidents in Tuva is still on the rise, despite of the efforts undertaken by the Tuvan Government. A year ago a special governmental session was devoted to the analysis of the latest drastic increase in the number of auto accidents in the republic. During the 2 days in late October 13 people died. Eight people died in the accident on the 22nd of October, including famous very promising singer Ayas Danzyryn and his wife, when a "VAZ" with 7 passengers inside (exceeding the permitted number) crashed into a truck in the vicinity of Tes-Khem.

As it turned out later the car full of people came from a large-scale wedding party in the village of Ak-Eric. The village authorities, instead of paying special attention to the security measures at such events with abundance of alcohol consumed, took part in the beanfeast. They were joined by a district militia officer. Few were sober there including a driver who decided to bring a group of guests home. The analysis showed that local authorities do not fulfill their duties, thinking that their absence from the workplace can hardly be noted by the officials in Kyzyl. Thus it turned out that a deputy head of one of the district's alexistrations was on a sick leave half of the year. Valery Kylan-ool, head of the Tes-Khem alexistration where a road accident took place, was dismissed. A punitive reprimand applied to the head of the Tes-Khem militia by the Tuvan Ministry of Interior Affairs was recognised by the Tuvan Government as an inappropriate weak punishment for his misdeed.

Yesterday a concert devoted to Ayas Danzyryn's memory took place in Kyzyl. Ayas' friends participated in it. All the money collected was given to his mother bringing up Ayas' only child.

Dina Oyun
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