Car Sinks in Tuva, 9 People Drowned |
28 May 2007 | 3782 views | 0 comments |
9 people were killed, one body not found, as a result of a Sunday night traffic accident in the Republic of Tuva. A GAZ-53 truck sank while crossing the Mogen-Buren River in Mongun-Taiginsky District of Tuva, the local emergency service reported. The driver lost control, and the truck fell off the bridge. There were supposedly 19 adult passengers and 8 children in the truck. 9 people, including four children, sank. The rest of the passengers managed to survive.
According to the preliminary reports, the truck was carrying the people home after a medical examination. A group of 7 rescuers was sent to the accident site. The rescuers are off the line now. The body of one child has not been found yet.
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