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«    March 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

One of the oldest lamas of Tuva has become the Supreme lama of the republic

Lama Suldum Bashky (Tsultim tenzin) has been elected as the Supreme lama (Kamby-Lama) of Tuva at the congress of Tuvan clergy on Friday, as the Buddhist site of the republic announced. The previous Kamby-lama Dzhambel Lodoy (Apysh-ool Sat) had been in that position since 2005. Three candidates were proposed at the elections – Dzhambel Lodoy, Bolat-ool Mergen,the head of temple “Aldyn Khuree” in Chadan, and lama Suldum Bashky. As the site notes, after the announcement of the candidates, Lodoy and Mergen retracted their candidacy in favor of Bashky, explaining that this will be the correct decision, because Bashky is one of the eldest and most respected lamas of the republic.

“Suldum Bashky, definitely, is an extremely wise person, with a deep spiritual practice, who has all the necessary knowledge. It would be difficult to think of a more suitable candidate. For that reason, right at the beginning I made the decision to withdraw my candidacy in favor of this respected man”, - said Lodoy.

The majority voted for Bashky.

New constitution of Kamby-lama administration was also evaluated at the congress (Khural), as well as plans for further development of Buddhism in Tuva.

“I am very glad that the congress transpired in a friendly manner, and that everybody understood the importance of the changes in the constitution. Great work of reorganization of the administration is in front of us, as well as the realization of plans to further Buddhism in Tuva”, - announced the newly elected Supreme Lama.

A decision was made at the congress to change the structure of the administration and to change to a so-called “parliament” system of rule. The basic organ of administration will be “Ydyk khural” it will regulate the work of the administration. Currently this council is composed of 15 most authoritative lamas of Tuva. Aside from that, it will have its own administration and other subdivisions, responsible for concrete work segments. The new constitution was unanimously approved.

The congress took place in Kyzyl, the capital of the republic, in the temple (Khuree) “Tsechenling”.

On Saturday, the congress continued work, evaluating a five-year- program “Strategy and development of Buddhism in Republic Tuva”, as well as taking care of the necessary procedures for changing the constitution and structure of administration.

The elections of the Supreme lama of the republic are before term. They were ssupposed to take place in April of 2010, but in connection with the schedule of work of the administration it was decided at a general meeting on March 7 to hold the elections on March 12.

According to the constitution of the administration, candidates for the position of

Kamby-lama are proposed by general voting among representatives of Buddhist clergy. The elections take place every 5 years.

RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak
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