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«    March 2009    »
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High Lamas of Kalmykia and Tuva are asking that the Dalai-Lama is given Russian entrance visa

The heads of the Buddhist communities of two regions of Russia – shadzhin-lama of Kalmykia Telo Tulku Rimpoche, and kamby-lama of Tuva, Jampel Lodoy approached the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a common plea for the Dalai-Lama to be given an entrance visa to Russian territory.

“More than a million of believing Buddhists of Russia are awaiting instruction by their spiritual teacher, and millions of Russians of various other reigions would like to get an opportunity to meet the Laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize, whose policy of peace and compassion is an example for the whole world”, states the appeal.

The heads of the Buddhist communities also noted that in “the last 17 years, during which the Russian Buddhists have been asking a full visit by His Holiness the Dalai-Lama, dozens of temples have been built, which need the ritual of consecration”.

“A one-day visit to Kalmykia in December 2004 was so short that even people from outlying districts of Kalmykia could not meet the Dalai-Lama, much less pilgrims from Buryatia and Tuva. More than that, classical Buddhist education specifies prolonged instruction under the guidance of a spiritual teacher, which is impossible to realize in the framework of a single day visit, which can barely serve only to get acquaintanced “, the appeal notes.

The Dalai-Lama visited Tuva in 1992.

savetibet.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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