Delegation of Management of Kamby lama of Tuva arrived at Ulan Bator to meet with Dalai-Lama. Spiritual leader of Buddhists paid special attention to this delegation before heading to the historical temple of Ganden Tenchenling monastery where he gave instructions concerning internal regulations for Buddhist monasteries in both Mongolia and Russia, Center of Tibetan culture and information reported. "Are you Tuvans?" - he asked applying to the Tuvan delegation. On receiving an afformative answer he let the delegation be taken photo with him. It is worth noting that Dalai-Lama visited Tuva back in 1992, and his visit was one of the starting points of spiritual resurrection of the republic. It was after that visit that Jampel Ludoy, future Kamby-lama of Tuva, made up his mind to become a Buddhist and went to India to study in Tibetan monastery Drepung Goman.
Now Jampel Ludoy tries to do his best so that all the Buddhists in Tuva have a chance to meet His Holiness Dalai-Lama. Last month Jampel Ludoy together with Buddhist monks of Gjudmed monastery held a three-days prayer for the quickest arrival of His Holiness Dalai-Lama, the highest hierarch for Buddhists to Tuva. “We keep addressing the highest Buddhist deities with our most sincere prayers for His Holiness to come to our republic as soon as possible. We know and believe that these prayers will be heard”, - the supreme lama of Tuva said.