This morning a very significant event took place in the lives of the Buddhists of the republic – the ritual of sanctification of Mt. Bai-Taiga was performed. For the past three years, the ritual has been attracting immense numbers of pilgrims. The head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool also participates. Since time immemorial it has been known that the sanctification of Mt. Bai-Taiga stimulates the sulde and khei-at (Spirit and Wind Horse).
For those who participate in the ritual, the year will be lucky and prosperous.
On top of the mountain, kadaks and special flags khei-at, with names of family and friends written on them are hung up. According to ancient custom, women are not admitted to the ritual, but they can send their offerings.
This is a significant event because sanctification of Mt. Bai-taiga stands for sanctification of whole Tuva. According to ancient beliefs, the Master Spirit of Tuva, Sangba Norulkha Burgan lives on top of the mountain. He flies over his entire realm on a white aganak bird (grouse), and sees and hears everything. In translation from Tibetan, Sangba means pure, Norulkha – deity of the treasure. The sacred Mt.Bai-Taiga is the world of this deity.
It is known from history that the Fifth and Eighth Bogdo-Gegens used to come from Mongolia to sanctify Mt. Bai-Taiga. Bogdo-Gegen in translation from Tibetan means “Great lama”, and in the hierarchy of Buddhist clergy is of the third rank.
Mt. Bai-Taiga is also among the main candidates in the “Tos Ertine” (Nine Treasures) contest.