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«    June 2010    »
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Tuvan alpinists raised the flag of Russian Geographic Society on Mt.MacKinley in the USA

Tuvan alpinists raised the flag of Russian Geographic Society on Mt.MacKinley in the USATuvan alpinists Maadyr-ool Khovalyg,  Mariana Surunchap and Vladimir Dyukov successfully conquered  their fourth peak, the highest mountain of North America, Mt.MacKinley (6193 meters)., which was named “Denali”,  the highest, the greatest, by Native Americans.

As the alpinists reported from Anchorage, the ascent took 16 days.

The health status of the alpinists is normal, and the  raising of the sacred “Khadak” flags, flag of Russian federation, republic Tuva and Russian Geographic Society on the “Roof of North America” ( headed by their compatriot Sergei Shoigu, minister of MChS) went as planned.

These priceless relics will now be given to the National Museum of republic Tuva for public viewing.

The leader of the expedition, well-known author Maadyr-ool Khovalyg, as well as Mariana Surunchap, a permanent member of the “7 Peaks “ project,  both of whom have the honorable title of “Snow Leopard of Republic Tuva”, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all their many, many sponsors, whose material and moral support helped them to get to Alaska.

On June 17, the alpinists embark on a train ride from Moscow, and the results of their expedition will be discussed when the team members arrive home to Tuva in the end of June.

Rasul Surun, translated by Heda Jindrak
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