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«    October 2010    »
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Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in Tuva

Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in TuvaNikolai Rastorguyev and his group “Lyube” presented two concerts in the Tuvan capital. The audience of the first one consisted of front-line veterans, veterans of local wars, of work, and the staff of law-enforcement organs. “It was such a pleasure! – tells us blockade participant Tatiana Afonicheva. – I sang along, I cried a bit. Such songs! They go right to the heart. At home during family celebrations, we always sing the song “Combat” with my husband and children. And the theatre has become so beautiful! Chandeliers like at the Mariinskiy. Everything glitters. I have been to many concerts in Leningrad, and I have something to compare it to, but here in Tuva it is now just as good. I liked the “Lyube” concert so much that I went back to the square at 19 hours to listen some more. There was Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in Tuvaa huge crowd of young people. So many people. I sang along until I got too cold for me.”

At 17 hours, “Lyube” fans began to gather on the Arat Square. The wind instrument orchestra of the Government of Tuva, students from the art school, and groups “Buzut-kryu”, “Angelochki”, and “Naiysylal” performed for the crowd. At 19 hours, a direct video-transmission was organized of the second concert on alight diode screen set up right on the Square.  “I don’t remember that any previous event carried out I Tuva had brought such a tremendous number of people. Certainly at least 5 – 6 thousand, - says one of the leaders of the musical event on the square, Kheimer-ool Oorzhak. – The entire area between Lenin’s and Kochetov’s Streets was packed with the group’s fans of all ages. They sang along, swayed in the rhythm of the songs, danced, and held contests.”

“I had, to say it openly, goose bumps on the skin when the whole street started singing in a chorus, in male, not Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in Tuvafemale voices, together with Nikolai Rastorguyev - “Beyond the clouds”, - Svetlana Oorzhak shared her impressions.

The audience hall in the theatre also welcomed warmly every song of the group. Nikolai Rastorguyev was given flowers by representatives of all the different generations. The head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool expressed gratitude in the name of the entire republic.

“Kids, we have been eagerly waiting for you here in Tuva, - the Premier said. – Great thanks to you that you accepted our invitation and gave us such a wonderful evening. Your songs help one in life. They are songs about the eternal values – manly friendship, hard army life, about the meaning of life, about the life of the nation. You brought joy and positive emotions to all the people of the country. The songs of “Lyube” remind the soldiers – internationalists about the past. About the difficult past, which is nevertheless dear to the soul. Thank you for your art, Nikolai Vyacheslavovich! “

Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in TuvaSholban Kara-ool gave to each the musician of the legendary group anniversary medals of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 – 1945, rewarding their contribution to patriotic education of the young generation. And to Nikolai Rastorguyev the premier handed a personal present – a national traditional sable hat. At that moment, the audience hall in the Theatre of Music and Drama exploded with applause.

“I felt almost like a nomad, the master of the steppe. All I need is a horse, Nikolai Rastorguyev felt like a nomad in Tuva- said Rastorguyev. – Riding along and meeting somebody in these expanses, I would say: ‘Who are you, stranger?’ What a history. You are simply remarkable. Thank you for everything. I will definitely come back again.”

The fans of “Lyube” gathered in the theatre did not scatter for a long time, and continued to sing the popular group’s melodies. Then the DJ of the “Golos Azii” radio station, Sergei Laptev, proposed to everybody to show their opinion of the recent musical street event. “Everybody who liked the concert, turn on your cell phone and lift it up!” – in answer, the entire square lit up with thousands of flickering cell phone lights.

Dina Oyun, photo by Vitaly Shaifulin, translated by Heda Jindrak
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