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«    November 2010    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Six pilgrims discovered in remote Tuvan taiga

Six pilgrims discovered in remote Tuvan taigaBuryat rescuers found a group of six pilgrims on Friday in the area of Lake Belin-Khol of Kaa-Khem district of Tuva, who left two years ago, led by monk Alexander Vorobiev from the Samara region to visit holy places in the Eastern Sayans, as the press-service representative of Emercom Tuva Tuva informed RIA Novosti.

In his words, the notice about missing pilgrims was first received only in October. The telephone confidential line was informed that two years ago 50 people from Samara region, led by a monk decided to visit holy places, and some of the pilgrims never returned.

The first helicopter which was sent in search of the pilgrims left on October 13 for the region of Lake Belin-Khol. But the search was without success. The search continued in November, and rescue teams from Buryatia, which borders on Kaa-Khem district, joined the search.

“On Friday at 4:30, the Buryat search team with guides discovered six people, who were still continuing their pilgrimage”, - said the representative, who also noted that an invalid woman in a wheelchair was among the pilgrims.

In his words, three people agreed to interrupt the pilgrimage. Right now the workers of Buryat militia are conducting talks with the remaining members of the group, trying to convince them to return home.

Representative of Emercom Tuva said that according to the pilgrims’ own words, several people have died during their journey.

According to the administration, the possibility of bringing in the aviation of Emercom Russia for evacuation of the people is under consideration.

Ivan Afanasiev, RIA Novosti, translated by Heda Jindrak
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