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» Posts of 21.03.2011
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«    March 2011    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Producers of the film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" are being sued for 17 million rubles

Producers of  the film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" are being sued for 17 million rublesThe feature film "By the Will of Genghis Khan" was released to the movie screens of this country in 2009. It took several years to make yet another epos about the great conqueror, kilometers of film and almost 10 million dollars. At the premiere everybody applauded the film crew and the director  Andrei Borisov,  who is also the minister of culture of Yakutia.

It almost seemed that the Yakut film  will conquer the entire planet, and will get the well-deserved awards… The blow came from an unexpected direction: the sponsors, because the Yakut film was filmed for more than the budget money, demanded return of the money. It was explained that they supplied the money in advance, and that the film did not justify their expectations.

  • 80
Komsomolskaya Pravda, translated by Heda Jindrak
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