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«    August 2011    »
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Trial of a poacher in Tuva

Trial of a poacher in TuvaIt is possible that this is the first time in Tuva that a poacher will be punished to the full extent of the law. The State Commission for Hunting and Fishing of RT submitted documentation to state prosecutor, concerning a resident of the republic, now a defendant, who broke the laws of nature protection.

The incident happened in march. Inspectors, together with the police, arrested a hunter, now a defendant, during a routine raid not far from a town where fans of illegal hunting often go : an open steppe, and the animal has nowhere to hide from the bullet. The poacher tried to hide from the inspectors on a snowmobile, nevertheless he was arrested.  Two butchered roe-deer carcasses and a firearm were found in the snowmobile.

-  Roe-deer hunting is permitted from October to the end of December, - explained the chief of the State Commission for Hunting and Fishing, Boris Medvedev. - But in March all the females are far along in pregnancy. On top of that, it was a major  law-breaking - use of means of transportation during hunting. The law-breaker shot two Siberian roe-deer - a male and a female. The meat of the roe-deer is still kept as evidence, and the location where the bodies were butchered was also identified.

-  We are counting on the courts to take into account all the circumstances of this poaching act, and the law-breaker will receive what he deserves, - emphasized the leader of  State Commission of Hunting and Fishing of RT Alexander Novikov. - We are not after blood, vengeance, or whatever. But the crime should not go unpunished, and next time another hunter will think twice before he breaks the law.

The case was submitted to peace judge of the Kyzyl district court, Yuri Ondar. On Thursday there was a preliminary hearing, and the trial is scheduled for 17 August.  The defendant does not admit guilt., translated by Heda Jindrak
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