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«    January 2013    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Vicious poachers arrested on New Year's Eve in Tuva

Vicious poachers arrested on New Year's Eve in TuvaThis was announced by the head of State Hunting Commission of Tuva Alexander Novikov. The arrest took place on the night from 31 December to 1 January as a result of co-operative action with the police force of the republic. Today, a criminal action was filed as to the fact of illegal hunting on the territory of nature preserve "Khut". During the co-operative raid activities during operation "Les" (Forest) and "Pravoporyadok" (Law enforcement), around 6 o'clock an "UAZ" vehicle did not obey the police order to stop for a check of the cabin.

During the chase, firearms were used, with three warning shots into the air first, then 9 gunshots to the wheels of the vehicle. As a result, the vehicle was stopped at 3 km of the highway "Park Khut - Turan". A 40-year-old citizen of Kyzyl was at the wheel

During the search of the vehicle, 8 plastic bags were found in the baggage compartment and confiscated, which contained meat of 12 butchered carcasses of Siberian roe-deer. Two passengers were in the vehicle - both unemployed citizens of Turan. Police officers confiscated a firearm of "Saiga" brand, and 12 butchered carcasses of Siberian roe-deer.

Currently, a complex of investigative activities are being carried out, aimed at establishing other circumstances of the case.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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