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» Mongolian Teenager Kidnapped and Killed in Tuva
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«    August 2006    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Mongolian Teenager Kidnapped and Killed in Tuva

A criminal case was incited on the fact of a teenager's kidnapping and murder in Kyzyl. The child's mother handed in an application about his disappearance on August, 12. As investigators established, the 15-year-old teenager was pushed into a car and taken in the unknown direction from the yard of his house. In two days the teenager's body was found by passers-by. The criminal case had been incited on kidnapping. However, after the teenager's body was found, the suspects may be accused of more capital crime. The case is complicated that the killed boy, a pupil of Kyzyl school №3, was a Mongolian citizen.

The suspects have already been arrested, investigation is being undertaken. Their names and the place of the corpse's find are not announced yet. Very few people saw the kidnapping taking place. Tuvan prosecutors managed to find the suspects and restore the crime course mostly thanks to their testimony, State TV and Radio Company "Tyva" reported.

The three arrested young men are about 20 years old, Alexander Vorobyov, Kyzyl deputy-prosecutor, reported. As the Public Prosecutors' Office explained, those rare cases that had been registered before would be "the so-called kidnappings". As a rule, the victims are someone's debtors and hand in no applications to police. The recent case was a different one.

State TV and Radio Company 'Tyva'
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