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«    Fabruary 2012    »
электронный журнал "Новые исследования Тувы"

Tuvan herder who received a present from Putin came to his support at the Kyzyl meeting

Tuvan herder who received a present from Putin came to his support at the Kyzyl meetingAmong those who participated in the "Fate of Russia is in our hands!" meeting, which took place yesterday at the sports-complex "Subedei", was also sheep-herder Dukar-ool Maskyr-ool, who became famous throughout the country after his personal meeting with Vladimir Putin in one of remote taiga corners of Tuva in August of 2009. Federal media described the meeting in detail; about their conversation about life, about the herder offering tea to the premier, and about the present that Putin gave in return - a hunting knife to the herder, and a wristwatch to his son.

"You know, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is very human. He understands a simple person without any words. He communicates easily, - Dukar-ool Maskyr-ool admitted from the podium. - He radiates respect and goodness. I  came here especially just to tell all of you about it. Let's support the efforts of our leader, directed towards development of Russia and our republic!"

The shepherd's words were seconded by prominent activist of Mongun-Taiga district, Oshku-Saar Oorzhak, who has been the head of "Mogen-Buren", a yak-breeding farm for many years: "Government of Russia and government of Tuv pay serious attention to villagers. Just look, villages are recovering. New houses are being built. Cultural objects are reconstructed.  Farming activities are recovering. I can show you with the example of my own farm. And there is still so much to do!

Tuvan herder who received a present from Putin came to his support at the Kyzyl meetingI came to Kyzyl, and I am speaking in the name of  herders - sarlyk-breeders and horse-breeders of the remote Mongun-Taiga district. Not everything depends on the state, much depends on people themselves. They have to know how to work, and to increase the help received from the state by one's own self-sacrificing work.

Times were hard. It was cold, and we were hungry. It is not like that anymore. And it is only thanks to Vladimir Putin and the Tuvan government headed by Sholban Kara-ool.

Dear countrymen, who else should we support? Only Putin! He is intelligent, powerful, strong and wise! He supports us! He came to Tuva, and listened to Tuvan throat-singing!  We have to value that!"

Remember that yesterday, meetings in support of Putin's initiatives gathered about 4,000 people in Tuva.

The meetings were held in five locations, in Kyzyl, Shagonar, Chadan, and Ak-Dovurak.

gov.tuva.ru, translated by Heda Jindrak
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