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» Vladimir Putin is Likely to Come to Tuva This September
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«    August 2005    »
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Vladimir Putin is Likely to Come to Tuva This September

Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin is expected this September in Tuva. Information on the possible visit of the head of the state into the republic in the centre of Asia has been leaking since last week. The direct question from Tuva-Online whether Putin is planning to go to Kyzyl was neither confirmed nor denied by the Presidential Press-Service. But the special governmental sitting held yesterday by Sherig-ool Oorzhak after his visit to Moscow indirectly confirmed these rumours. It was devoted to the preparation of the Tuvan capital to the visit by a high Russian official. No names were given but Oorzhak let the members of the government and journalists present know that it is the President. Putin planned to visit Tuva a year ago when the republic was celebrating the 60th anniversary since Tuva joined the Soviet Union but the Beslan tragedy cancelled this visit. 11 years ago Tuva was visited by the 1st Russian President. Boris Yeltsin drank araka, had a rest in a yurt, wore a Tuvan traditional gown.

Alexandr Papyn, Dina Oyun
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